Field Trip 1: Assembly Walk and Talk
The landscape around St Just will be the setting for a field trip hosted by Assembly, an artist residency space in St Just.
The field trip group will be joined by a number of Cornwall-based artists, writers and experts on the historic and contemporary significance of this landscape. Informal discussion over lunch will be followed by a coastal walk, taking in Crown Mines, Kenidjack Castle, Cape Cornwall, Carn Gloose and Ballowall Barrow, focusing the discussion on this, the most western tip of Cornwall. The field trip will conclude with a drive to St Ives along the coast road through Zennor.
Assembly is housed in a Wesleyan Chapel built during the tin mining boom of the mid-18th century and is run by the artists Andy Harper and Abigail Reynolds.
Read Assembly Walk and Talk biographies (pdf)
Read James Kearns’ report on the Assembly Walk and Talk field trip on the Record page.