10am – 5.30pm, Saturday 22 May
Lecture Theatre, Woodlane Campus, University College Falmouth
How can the local – rooted in a sense of place and history – relate to the innovative and the international? How do artists and curators of contemporary art respond to non-urban contexts?
10.00 Welcome by Teresa Gleadowe, Convenor of The Falmouth Convention
Commissioning for non-urban sites and situations
10.15 Introduction by Dr Virginia Button, Course Leader, MA Curatorial Practice, University College Falmouth
10.25 Tom van Gestel: ‘A walk in the Countryside’
11.00 Tacita Dean ‘Being Commissioned. . .’
11.30 Break
12.00 Hans Ulrich Obrist: ‘Everstill’, a project at Lorca’s summer house in La Huerta de San Vicente, Granada, 2007
12.30 Panel discussion: Tom van Gestel, Tacita Dean, Hans Ulrich Obrist, chaired by Dr Virginia Button
13.00 to 14.00 Lunch
Residencies and creative communities
14.00 Introduction by Martin Clark, Artistic Director, Tate St Ives
14.10 Kitty Scott: ‘First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is. . .’ Artist-led residencies at the Banff Centre, Banff, Canada
14.30 Simon Fujiwara: ‘Impersonator’ 2009, a project at the Schindler House as part of the MAK Residency in Los Angeles
14.40 Andrzej Przywara: ‘Warsaw Experience’
14.55 Paulina Olowska: ‘Paulina Olowska for Falmouth Convention’
15.10 Panel discussion: Donna Lynas, Director of Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridgeshire and Adam Sutherland, Director of Grizedale Arts, Cumbria, chaired by Martin Clark
15.30 Break
Biennials and large-scale international exhibitions
16.00 Introduction by Dr Virginia Button, Course Leader, Curatorial Practice MA, University College Falmouth
16.10 Bassam el Baroni: Manifesta 8
16.30 Jeremy Millar: response to the day’s presentations
16.45 Panel discussion: Kader Attia, Geoffrey Farmer, Jeremy Millar
17.15 Closing remarks by Andrew Nairne, Executive Director, Arts, Arts Council England and Sir Nicholas Serota, Director, Tate
17.30 End